At the California Homebuilding Foundation, we help advocates address some of the biggest challenges for homebuilders and help create a better solution while focusing on issues critical to the development of new housing and communities in California.

The Foundation provides research on a wide range of topics including housing affordability, construction dispute resolution, smart growth, land use, and local growth policies. 

Browse or download a complete list of available research topics.

Reports and Analysis

Peak Cooling and the 2025 Energy Code (2024)

Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Principles (California) (2023)

The Biggest and Smallest Barriers to California Housing Development (2021)

Inclusionary Housing in the Sacramento Region Cost vs. Benefits (2021)

Inclusionary Housing Policies in The Central Valley (2021)

Measure JJJ: An Evaluation of Impacts on Residential Development in the City of Los Angeles (2019)

Cost Drivers Impacting Housing in California (2018)

Impacts of a Prevailing Wage Requirement for Market Rate Housing in California (2017)

2016 Economic Effects of the New Housing Industry in the Sacramento Region (2016)

California's 2016 Residential Energy Efficiency Standards Compliance Cost & Design Impact (2016)

Impact of SB 32 on California's Housing Market and the Economy (2015)

Codes and Standards Research Report: California's Residential Indoor Water Use (2015)

Opening San Diego’s Door to Lower Housing Costs (2015)

Update: The Economic Benefits of Housing in California (2014)

California's 2013 Residential Energy Efficiency: Compliance Cost & Design Impact (2013)

The Use of Residential Nexus Analysis in Support of California's Inclusionary Housing Ordinances: A Critical Evaluation (2011)

The Economic Benefits of Housing in California (2010)

Water Use in the California Residential Home (2010)

New Housing Construction Economic Impact Summary (2009)

Youth Employment Manual (2008)

Housing Bottom Line - Fiscal Impact (2007)

Meeting AB 32 - Housing Retrofit Study (2007)

California's Right to Repair - SB 800 | Is it still working? (2007)

Housing California's Latino Population in the 21st Century: The Challenges Ahead (2002)